Eu4 Dynamic Province Names

2020. 1. 27. 20:27카테고리 없음

Eu4 Dynamic Province Names

I bought Wealth of Nations for Europa Universalis IV. The problem is that when I activate the option on the game menu to turn on the Dynamic Province Names feature, it does absolutely nothing to change the name of the provinces I own.

  1. Eu4 How To Buy Provinces
  2. Eu4 Dynamic Province Names German
  3. Eu4 Dynamic Province Names 2016

There's very little information about this wonderful thing, so after doing some research I decided to write it all up.What is a megacampaignParadox Grand Strategy games cover very long time, and most people never even 'finish' a single game of CK2, or EU4 - but it's possible to go the other extreme and play a 'megacampaign' - start in one game, then convert to another, and keep playing. Or if you really want to, go ahead, just don't say I didn't warned you.What is the converterThere's been many converter tools which take save game from one game and create a mod for another.In theory you could convert save game to save game, but converting to a mod is much more flexible, so that's the generally used method. Mod setups starting map, rulers, and whatever else it felt like including.CK2 to EU4 converter is a builtin feature of Crusader Kings 2. You can only access it if you have converter DLC.If you want to continue to Vic2 and HoI4, you'll need to use third party tools.Where are the filesIf you want to mod it, or just look at it, you might be surprised. If you have Conclave DLC, it uses different system to convert government types.Can I use converter with modded CK2 gamesYes, as long as they don't modify the map significantly.One notable exception is my, which is totally fine to use with converter as it doesn't add or remove provinces. You won't have canal prebuilt in EU4.What affects ruler attributes and traitsRuler/heir martial, stewardship, and diplomacy attributes divided by 3 and rounded up are what ends up as their EU4 attributes - capped at 6 of course.There's some correction for underage rulers, since in CK2 children grow attributes with age, while in EU4 toddlers are born 6/6/6 or 0/0/0 somehow.This means any attribute at 16 or higher is converted to a 6 - so it might be worth switching focus before conversion, just to get that extra point.If you're immortal, you'll get immortal trait in EU4. Other traits are based on traitconversion.txt.

For some reason converter will only generate 2 traits, even if ruler reigned long enough to get 3.Conversion is based mostly on your traits, and secondarily on your attributes. Some good CK2 traits like greedy convert to some bad EU4 traits like greedy. It's mostly nothing to worry about unless you have an immortal ruler.How is map createdCK2 titles are described by rank and name (like cjylland is County of Jylland), while EU4 are described by number (like 15 Jylland), and their names are just descriptive and occasionally not unique (like 157 Bihar and 558 Bihar).It is based on many to many mapping in provincetable.csv. Every CK2 title (not just a county!) can map to some number of EU4 provinces.In simplest case a single title maps to a single title, for example in Iceland CK2 has two counties. So CK2's Vestisland maps to EU4's 370 Reykjavik, while CK2's Austisland maps to EU4's 371 Akureyri.A title can map to multiple counties - like county of Holstein maps to two provinces - 1775 Holstein and 4141 Ditmarschen.

So whoever controls it gets both.Sometimes multiple CK2 titles map to single EU4 province - like counties of Lyon and Forez both map to 203 Lyonnais. In such case country holding majority gets it, and if someone else held part of it, they'll get a permanent claim on it.Quite often 2 counties and a duchy map to a province, for example counties of Coruna and Santiago and duchy of Galicia all map to 206 Galicia. What affects vassalsConverter doesn't generate PUs, marches, protectorates, or tributaries, but it sometimes generates vassals.

There's special logic for HRE.For non-HRE countries, if you have Conclave, governmenttable.csv specifies maximum number of vassals generated - between 0 to 2 depending on your laws.Without Conclave, rules are specified by defines.lua and maximum number of vassals is 4, but it will only happen at zero crown authority.Generated vassals will often start at very high liberty desire. As two of five bugged provinces are Aztec goldmines, this effectively makes them far weaker than they were supposed to be.Occasionally province's controller won't have a core on it for no clear reason.There's a bunch of province visibility glitches depending on tech group, like seeing Iceland but not waters around it. These generally don't cause any serious gameplay problems.Playing with any combinations of versions other than supported ones (and hotfixes) will invariably cause additional issues.

Converter doesn't do anything magical - the most complex part is provincetable.csv. So based on just that file and save game it wouldn't be that hard to just create your own converter, customized whichever way you need.Are there any third party converters?doesn't work with current version of the game, so no.It's not terribly hard to write one (especially if you reuse province table), but then the real work of keeping it updated begins.SummaryAnd that's all I discovered about the converter.


Eu4 How To Buy Provinces

If you have any corrections, questions, or feedback, please comment and I'll update this post. Said.Did you try just restarting CK2 and disabling the DLC in menu?If save game doesn't load, you might edit save game to tell it this save is totally not Sunset Invasion save. List of DLCs was in one of the headers on top of the save file.Or you could mod the converter by overriding eu4converter/sunsetinvasion folder and eu4converter/sunsetinvasiontable.csv with something empty. Modding DLCs can be a bit awkward. I guess someone could just release a mod for that.Last option is to run converter and delete all files related to new world, but that's quite awkward without a script.Or as final option, you could enjoy fun special game with some different New World.

Eu4 Dynamic Province Names German

Said.Roman: It's not controlled by national ideas, it's controlled by aiweight section of common/ideas/00basicideas.txt (which gets copied from dlc030/eu4converter/copy/common/ideas/00basicideas.txt)In vanilla there are pretty much hardcoded tags who picks up exploration early. The converter overwrites that with different logic based on institutions and regions (Iberia and Britain have highest weights, many regions get smaller boost) and country size, which completely ignores tags or cultures.So if something Portugal, Castile, or England shaped exists after conversion, it has high chance of picking exploration regardless of its name. Zultansaid.Thank you for your answer. I tried it, but i cant make it work.

Eu4 Dynamic Province Names 2016

I am really noob in modding or coding. Can you tell me what i am doing wrong? I created a.mod file in DocumentsParadox InteractiveCrusader Kings IImod folder and i gave the path and name of my mod in that.mod file, like this: name = 'My mod' path = 'mod/mymod'. I tried to follow the same folder structure as the game, so i created this structure: DocumentsParadox InteractiveCrusader Kings IImodmymoddlcdlc030eu4convertergovernmenttable.csv, i want to edit the government table, because i want more created vassal after the conversion, but i can set any value in that.csv file, the converter make the same number of vassals.:(.

Eu4 Dynamic Province Names